Give up hope that enters here. A small essay specially for visitors to the underground gaming halls. As you know, in Russia our mother banning gambling never aroused much enthusiasm among the population and did not overly upset the organizers …



The analysis of the spread of gambling addiction in our country practically does not take into account the contribution of the invisible army of affiliates, people who are not independently engaged in the creation of illegal resources, do not own …



In my articles, I cannot fail to mention separately one of the most disgusting, in my personal opinion, category of folk, feeding on the bounty of the owners of illegal gambling resources – streamers of online casinos. These people have …



In my personal opinion, those who play in online casinos, and even those who are barely familiar with its activities, have a somewhat misconception about what the bonuses provided by an online gambling resource really are. Usually, these are welcome …



Advanced test for gambling addiction

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A simple gambling addiction test

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Are you a player?

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Gambling addiction - a pathological addiction to gambling; consists in frequent repeated episodes of participation in gambling, which dominate in a person's life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values: such a person does not pay due attention to his duties in these areas. In the disease coding system, ICD-10 has the code F63.0.

Mental signs.

  • A person spends more and more time on the game.
  • The circle of human interests is narrowing; he often thinks only about the game, talks about it, other problems cease to interest him. All the resources of his consciousness are focused on thinking over winning strategies, imagining his huge wins and moments of bright life after that.
  • A person loses control over the process of the game, he cannot stop playing both after winning and after constant losses.
  • Irritation when it is necessary to interrupt the game and emotional uplift during the game. The game gradually brings a person more and more pleasure, captures him completely. She can be the only source of joy for him. Beyond the boundaries of the game, the gambler feels a complete inner emptiness.
  • Constant lying to others, mood swings, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Physical signs.

  • The development of withdrawal symptoms when it is impossible to continue the game. Some time after the end of the game (usually a little), the person begins to feel discomfort, anxiety, irritation; physical sensations are added to psychological sensations: headache, sleep disturbance, inability to concentrate on important tasks.
  • Vegetative disorders - problems with sleep and digestion, high blood pressure and heart palpitations.
  • Due to constant stress, lack of sleep and abuse of nicotine and alcohol, a person looks emaciated from some mysterious disease, or if the control over behavior in society is less total, it resembles a drug addict who loves some unknown reason, but very carefully.

Social attributes.

  • Ludomaniac loses interest in those around him and close people. Increasingly, he is rude and annoyed with them when they try to distract from the game or call for a normal lifestyle. The natural result of such activities continuing from year to year is the loss of friends, the destruction of the family, social isolation.
  • Loss of motivation for any kind of social interaction, the natural continuation of which is the termination of studies, leaving work, family breakdown and loss of housing.
  • Involvement in criminal activities. In the later stages of gambling addiction, theft and fraud often remain the only sources of finance for the game and the gambling addict quite easily crosses this line without really thinking about the consequences.

Financial signs.

  • Constant lack of money with stable sources of income.
  • Eternal requests to lend money, take out a loan or somehow beg from others for the money necessary for the game.
    Lack of new things in the wardrobe and rumpled appearance.
  • Lively reaction in dialogue only on topics related to large monetary gains.
  • The disappearance of money and valuables from the house, the latter usually get their registration in a pawnshop, as in the place where it is easiest to get cash for them on bail.

As you can see, the portrait of a modern seeker of luck is fundamentally different from a self-confident movie hero "ruining a casino" and a certain young man with wads of money in his hands and languid beauties around, an image that the ubiquitous advertising of gambling resources is trying to introduce into our minds with all its might.

Loneliness. People who have practically no social contacts in society are exposed. To suppress the growing feeling of loneliness, they switch to a virtual way of communication and strive for virtual accomplishments.

Dissatisfaction with your own life. When a person is deprived of even small victories and lives in a series of failures, he has a desire to go to a reality where he will feel like a winner having spent a small amount of resources on this and, in fact, risking nothing.

Mental disorders. With the development of certain diseases, people can develop gambling addiction as a side disorder.

Desire to get everything at once. An excellent opportunity to lure people who are trying to quickly and effortlessly attract wealth. Although the principle of such gambling is that only one hundred thousand can become lucky, this absolutely does not kill the desire of freebie lovers to put their hard-earned money on the line.

Lack of intimate life. It can be viewed as the transfer of one's unfulfilled desires to another activity. In this case, it is gambling and an addiction that develops over time.

1) The stage of wins.

The stage when the gambler is just getting to know gambling, he is careful, he does not yet have material problems and the game gives him only positive feelings and emotions. Dealers in the gaming industry also use this. Everyone knows that the most "sweet" bonuses and special offers appear when registering on a gaming resource in order to draw a person into gambling at the first stage, where the euphoria from joining gambling is maximum, and the negative sensations from this harmful attraction are not yet felt. In fact, the first stage is getting used to the feeling of winning and the taste of easy money, and it’s natural to want to maximize these feelings. These processes give rise to the illusion of an increase in social status, strength and power in the player's brain. Subconsciously, a person begins to identify himself with the image of a successful player, an idol of women and the master of life, carefully cobbled together by the film industry and advertising of gambling resources. The mechanism for the development of gambling addiction is launched, and the gambler begins to feel a passionate desire to try his luck again and again. His dreams of winning turn out to be far from reality, he increases his rates and the time he spends on the game.

2) Stage of losses.

One of the natural phenomena of gambling addiction, so to speak, is the growth of rates, here gambling addiction is by its nature similar to alcoholism and drug addiction. The dose of "charge" must be continuously increased in order to obtain the same sensations in connection with the development of the brain's tolerance to the "reagents of happiness". But if the drunkard doesn’t take a lot of steam and doesn’t justify his desire to catch up to fitness in any way, then the mind of a gambler masks the brain’s desire not to reduce the dose of hormones coming from the process of gambling with a desire to take revenge and “punish” the game resource where money had been lost before. As the rates increase, the amount of losses grows.

In an effort to recoup, the gambler begins to borrow money wherever possible. He takes loans from the bank, borrows money from friends and relatives, takes all valuables to a pawnshop. Interest in the game becomes so strong that the rest of the world with other hobbies begins to disappear from the attention of the gambling addict.

At this moment, the social and spiritual degradation of a person begins.

3) The stage of disappointment.

At this stage, play occupies a dominant position in a person's life. Everything that is not important for the game fades into the background, so family and social ties collapse. A person faces serious losses in all areas of his life. Finances are in deep red, personal and business reputation is lost due to the inability to maintain them at the proper level, health and nervous activity are shattered by constant stress. Due to reproaches or unwillingness to discuss his situation, the gambling addict is removed from communication with people who were once close to him and, in fact, sooner or later remains in a social vacuum, first losing friends and then remaining without the support of close relatives elementary tired of his incessant financial vampirism and attempts pour out the negative. Few people will be satisfied with living in poverty, in eternal debts and listening to the negative from the "incomprehensible", something once deprived and "disliked" egoist.

At the same stage, let's say, a revision of moral values ​​that once had significance in the life of a gambling addict most often occurs. Constant lies and small deals with their conscience sooner or later do their job. For a gambling addict, it becomes natural to deceive friends and relatives in order to obtain funds for the game, petty fraud if some material values ​​that do not belong to him are available to him, waste and theft. Moreover, it is absolutely not important who the person was before the person got into the gambling addiction. On my way, I came across people who are crystal honest and extremely decent, who, having become gambling addicts, have tarnished their reputation with very unworthy actions. At the same time, panic attacks, thoughts of suicide and negative thoughts about the society around him, where absolutely everyone is to blame for his troubles, usually become frequent "guests" of the gambling addict.

4) The stage of hopelessness.

Social, emotional and financial impasse. Usually this is the bottom from which it is very, very difficult to climb. Absolutely everything is given to the game without a trace, and a person at this stage becomes essentially a social outcast. Associated addictions develop. According to statistics, gambling addicts in the later stages smoke a lot, use alcohol and often drugs, trying to somehow drown out negative emotions from frequent losses and being in a humiliated position on a social day. Disappointment comes from the game and there are attempts to tie, but without the absence of a systematic approach and any kind of self-discipline, they are doomed to failure. At the same time, very often gambling addicts already go to outright crime and move from the thought of suicide to its implementation. At this stage of gambling addiction, it is almost impossible to get rid of it on your own due to concomitant disorders and treatment is required from a qualified

Codependency is a condition in which one person is preoccupied with the problems and life of another person. He dissolves in another participant in the relationship, forgets about himself, his problems and needs. Control over the addicted person and helping him become the meaning of the life of the codependent member of the relationship.

Signs of codependency

Whatever the dependence in the codependent relationship, they all have a common basis: the codependent participant is endowed with low self-esteem, and the dependent behaves like a capricious child, is infantile.

What else is typical for a codependent person:

self-hatred, self-rejection;
the desire to earn love for a set of care and custody of the addict;
anger and aggression (often suppressed);
dependence on the opinions of others;
inability to accept compliments;
the need to be needed, significant, in demand;
lack of opinion;
complete suppression of oneself as a person (all forces are spent on living a life for the addict).

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