Forum Rules

By registering on the forum, the user agrees to abide by these Rules.
1. The forum was created to comprehensively inform gambling addicts, their relatives and all those who are interested in the problem of gambling addiction and methods of overcoming gambling addiction.
2. This resource is available only to users who are at least 18 years old. If you are less than the number of years indicated above, please do not register on this site. By registering on our service, you confirm that you have reached the specified age or your age is higher than the specified one.
3. The administration of this site is not responsible for any content created by users and for the content of their accounts. The presented materials express only the opinions of their authors and reveal their moral and ethical essence.
The project administration does not bear any responsibility for moral and financial damage.
4. The site administration may remove or change any content added at any time, with or without reason, with or without notice. Requests to remove or modify content will only be considered if there is a good reason to do so. We may deny you access to all or any part of our service at any time, with or without reason, with or without notice.
5. All content that you add, upload or otherwise provide to the service can be reviewed by members of the forum team. Any content you add or download may be sent to third party verification services (including but not limited to spam prevention services). Do not add content that you feel is personal or confidential.
6. You agree not to use this resource to send or post any content that is defamatory, offensive, hateful, threatening, spam, or anything similar to it. Content that may be offensive, contain adult or other objectionable content, contain personally identifiable information, risk copyright infringement, encourage illegal activity, or otherwise violate any laws. You are solely responsible for the content and any harm caused by it or your behavior.
7.It is forbidden to incite interethnic and interreligious hatred or insult forum participants on the basis of their national, racial, gender, religious affiliation.
8. The participants undertake to respect each other’s opinions. Insults and obscene expressions addressed to other members of the forum entail penalties for the owner of the account, up to a full unlimited ban.
Swearing on the forum is highly discouraged, but it happens that it flies out on emotions. Do not abuse this and the administration will not be too harsh on you.

9. Disrespectful comments to the administration of the forum, as well as the dissemination of inaccurate and libelous information about this resource entails the termination for the account owner of the opportunity to do this on this resource (eternal ban).
10. It is forbidden to install an avatar (swearing, pornography), insulting other forum members, political and extremist slogans. It is forbidden to install a photo in a profile that violates the laws of the Russian Federation, swearing, pornography or insulting other forum participants. Personal statuses (abusive language, insulting other participants) are prohibited.
It is forbidden to write text in which only uppercase is used (CapsLock).
It is forbidden to register multiple times and use multiple accounts by one user, regardless of the purposes for which such registration is carried out. This violation is quite serious and leads to the blocking of all accounts.
11. Begging and requests for help for personal purposes are prohibited. All information about collections for charitable purposes must initially be agreed with the administration of the forum.
12. It is forbidden to publish the data of bank cards, payment systems, phone numbers and other details on the forum, if this information is not agreed with the administration of the forum with the details of the charitable project.
13. Advertising of third-party projects, telegram, whatsapp groups and other social networks is not encouraged. In order to avoid misunderstandings, all such actions, even for the best goals, must be coordinated with the administration of the forum.
14.Any advertising of bookmakers, online casinos and other gambling resources is prohibited. Mentioning gambling resources in the context of discussing the problem arising in connection with the fraudulent actions of this gambling resource, the problem of a particular person related to gambling, or a description of the method of fraud is not advertising and does not fall under this ban.
15. It is prohibited to post information on the purchase / sale of game accounts and bookmaker accounts on the forum.
You grant us a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable and unlimited right to use, publish or re-publish the content of your posts within the service. You retain the copyright for the content.
The administration reserves the right to change the rules without warning, with subsequent notification of forum users. All changes and innovations on the forum are made taking into account the opinions and interests of users.
The rules are introduced to create a comfortable and constructive atmosphere for communication. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register and do not use our service. Using this service constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.